Streamcloud error 404
Streamcloud error 404

streamcloud error 404

WARN server comment 09:32:21 - 51998.831 - – - ShoutCastDecoder.checkHeader : HTTP response: 404 WARN server comment 09:32:20 - 51998.225 - – - ShoutCastDecoder.checkHeader : HTTP response: 404 WARN server comment 09:32:20 - 51998.022 - – - ShoutCastDecoder.checkHeader : HTTP response: 404 WARN server comment 09:32:19 - 51996.609 - – - ShoutCastDecoder.checkHeader : HTTP response: 404

streamcloud error 404

WARN server comment 09:32:18 - 51996.004 - – - ShoutCastDecoder.checkHeader : HTTP response: 404 WARN server comment 09:32:16 - 51994.389 - – - ShoutCastDecoder.checkHeader : HTTP response: 404 WARN server comment 09:32:14 - 51992.173 - – - ShoutCastDecoder.checkHeader : HTTP response: 404

streamcloud error 404

WARN server comment 09:32:12 - 51989.96 - – - ShoutCastDecoder.checkHeader : HTTP response: 404 WARN server comment 09:32:10 - 51987.747 - – - ShoutCastDecoder.checkHeader : HTTP response: 404 because normally the sound work, the problem is that the streaming have constant breaks in streaming, i don’t know if the problem is buffer, when i have many users the problem is more frecuent, i have the player in this URL. WARN server comment 22:41:23 - 12941.355 - – - ShoutCastDecoder.checkHeader [ HTTP response: 404Īnd I have constant breaks in streaming, i try from a diferente icecast source and the problem is same. WARN server comment 22:41:23 - 12940.749 - – - ShoutCastDecoder.checkHeader [ HTTP response: 404 WARN server comment 22:41:20 - 12938.53 - – - ShoutCastDecoder.checkHeader [ HTTP response: 404

streamcloud error 404

I’m using wowza to encoder an icecast atream source in aac+, actually i have +700 concurrent listeners, the problem is that if i listen teh audio directly from icecast using a desktop player as VLC all is fie, but, if I use a flash player as FlowPlayer, JW Player or the flash example player from wowza I have many.

Streamcloud error 404